7th Annual Statewide Talent Show

Chyler Coleman is our next contestant who is also a Little Rock native. Chyler is no stranger to our talent show as she participated last year and came in 2nd place. She has a close family friend who has lupus. She has won multiple 1st overall medals in level 3 solo dance scholarships and judge’s choice awards including her most recent award, “Sunshine on the Stage”. Chyler is 11 years old and loves to dance.
Mz. Detroit lives in Little Rock. She has a niece and a classmate who has lupus. She participated in our 2021 talent show. She wanted to participate again because she had an awesome time during the audition process and at the talent show and learned a lot about lupus. Mz. Detroit is a part of a spiritual group called Strong Trees. She has been told she has a spiritually anointed voice and gives God all the credit.
HoneyPlug from North Little Rock is also no stranger to our talent shows. He has also participated in 2021 & 2022. He has lost 2 aunts and 2 good friends to lupus. He heard about the talent show from Gale Davis, our co-chair and lupus volunteer of the statewide talent show. HoneyPlug is dedicating his performance in honor of family members and friends lost to this terrible disease.